Recognizing The Callender Family & the Silver Fox Fishing Tournament for Their Ongoing Support

May 31st, 2023 – Nassau, Bahamas
The Bahamas National Trust (BNT) proudly recognizes the ongoing, generous support of The Callender Family in our mission of managing Bahamian national parks.
Most recently, The Callendar Family donated over $10,000 to the BNT, raised from the Silver Fox Fishing Tournament. Their contributions to conservation in The Bahamas, however, go back many years.

Late patriarch Colin Callender served as an active member of the BNT’s Wildlife Committee. His son Jason has continued his legacy through generously donating to several of our various initiatives. Notably, we are grateful for The Callender Family’s commitment to conservation displayed through their personal support of Pig Roast and Ashore, two of our annual flagship fundraisers that in recent years have raised money for the protection of flamingos at the Inagua National Park and the enhancement of the Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park (ECLSP), respectively.

The Inagua National Park protects one of the largest breeding colonies of Caribbean Flamingos in the world, which has become one of the BNT’s greatest conservation successes after the BNT played a key role in rescuing these birds from the brink of extinction. The ECLSP was established in 1958 and is accredited as a Blue Sanctuary for global conservation. This special park in particular is one The Callender Family has demonstrated great love and dedication towards through their support of BNT initiatives.
BNT Executive Director Lakeshia Anderson-Rolle said: “Much like The Callender Family, I, too, have a love for the ECLSP as our most visited park in The Bahamas. Present day operating costs are approximately $750,000 annually. A fully functional park in a remote environment requires a dynamic staff who carry out daily enforcement and routine maintenance.
“Last year we fundraised $450,000 towards the critical upgrade of the safety and operational capacity of the Park Headquarters’ fuel system. Jason’s support in 2022 was a big part of making this project real and helping us successfully reach our goal. We thank him, Sara, and his family for their support in enhancing the ECLSP, and for not letting that support stop there but extending their commitment to other BNT projects as well throughout the years.
“Not for the first time, the BNT is the recipient of funds raised from the Silver Fox Fishing Tournament hosted by the Callender Family, and we’re grateful for this donation that honours Colin’s conservation legacy here in The Bahamas.

Jason Callender said, “As a proud Bahamian and after many years of enjoying the Exumas, Sara and I have donated and pledged substantially towards initiatives in the ECLSP. We have also helped raise money through the generosity of some of our close friends and professional networks. I’m committed to assisting the BNT, and will continue to make introductions to fellow boaters in the ALBANY community that appreciate the need to protect the ocean and environments that make our experience here in The Bahamas a magical one.”
The BNT’s vision for the continued expansion of the ECLSP includes the development of a $1.5 million STEM building. To date, we have raised $700,000 towards this goal, with an additional $800,000 to go. As we actively pursue this fundraising effort, we are excited and grateful for The Callender Family’s support in helping to make this facility a reality in the future. Once developed, it will enable the park to expand its operational capacity and introduce wetlabs and working space for scientific research and youth education. This most recent donation, funded through the participation of the fishers in the Silver Fox Fishing Tournament, will help move the needle towards our vision of seeing the ECLSP and the species that inhabit it protected now and into the future.
To learn more about the role the BNT plays to manage terrestrial and marine national parks, protect species that inhabit them, and inform environmental policy, please visit its website: and follow/subscribe to various social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
Media Contact: Leah Carr | | (242) 429-7902
About the BNT:
The Bahamas National Trust (BNT) was created by an Act of Parliament in 1959 to build and manage the national park system of The Bahamas. Possibly the only non-governmental organization in the world charged with such a responsibility, the BNT works daily to conserve and protect the natural resources of The Bahamas through stewardship and education for present and future generations. There are currently 32 National Parks managed by the BNT with more than 2 million acres of marine and terrestrial areas protected.