Why We Need Your Help

Helping to preserve nature

National Parks Need You!

Managing national parks is a huge but vital undertaking that we cannot do without your support. Our goal is to create and maintain a national park benefit system that offers benefits to our community as special places for their enjoyment. That includes opportunities for recreation and entrepreneurship as well as support for tourism and education. The BNT is the custodian of our country’s national parks, but they belong to all of us and we need your help to maintain and improve them.

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Invest in your National Parks.

Fully invested national parks create jobs and business opportunities for entrepreneurs which include:

  • Employment as park wardens
  • Providing park tour services
  • Concessionary agreements

When you support the BNT and national parks, you strengthen the Bahamian economy. By supporting the BNT you add strength to our voice when we speak out against actions that harm our environment.

This is how you can help.

Become a member


Your membership matters.

Help to create a strong voice for conservation, while enjoying special membership benefits.



Invest Your National Parks.

When you support the BNT and national parks, you strengthen the Bahamian economy.


BNT- Corporate-Partnership

Corporate Partnership.

Enroll your business in our Corporate Partnership program.



See available volunteer opportunities.

See available volunteer opportunities.

Legacy Giving

BNT- Legacy-Giving

Give in your will.

Name the BNT as a benefactor in your will.