How We Are Run
Trust Council
Scientific Advisors
Current Committees
Regional Branches
Grand Bahama
The Grand Bahama Regional Branch is the first regional branch within the Bahamas National Trust. It was established in the early 1980s to facilitate the Trust’s expanding presence on Grand Bahama. The Grand Bahama Regional Branch has played many critical roles over the years from helping with the day to day management of the three, heavily-used national parks on Grand Bahama to spearheading special projects and fundraising drives.
Standing and Advisory Committes
Retreat Committee
A dedicated group of Trust members and friends oversee the care and maintenance of The Retreat Garden National Park. The committee oversees the care of the specialty palm collection, special horticultural features, infrastructural projects and the Trust’s nursery. A sub-committee of the group also spearheads the annual Christmas Jollification, whose proceeds support the garden.
Specialty Groups
New Providence Bird Club
The New Providence Bird Club ( formerly the Ornithology Group) functions under the Wildlife Committee and has been active since 1994. It offers seasonal monthly field trips on New Providence and during spring and fall field trips are often arranged to other islands. Members also participate in Christmas Bird Counts each year on New Providence, Grand Bahama, Abaco and Andros.
The group is also involved in scientific studies of wintering migrants with emphasis on the Kirtland’s Warbler, the Important Bird Areas programme of Bird Life International, International Waterbirds Census; Caribbean Endemic Bird Day and International Migratory Bird Day.
New Areas
Efforts are underway to create Regional Branches in Great Exuma, Long Island, Cat Island and South and Central Andros. For more information contact the Bahamas National Trust (
Science Committee
This is a multi-disciplined network of scientists and experts whose knowledge, experience and interest in the Bahamian environment and its natural resources will provide immeasurable contributions to the work of the Trust. The purpose is to advise the Council of the Bahamas National Trust on science related matters.
Events Committee
The Events Committee works directly with the Development Department to provide support for fundraising events as well as developing new events to support the work of the BNT.