Protecting Species in Peril
These are the species we're racing to save

(Icterus northropi)
Found only on the island of Andros, the Bahama Oriole (Icterus northropi) is currently listed as critically endangered. Recent studies by Dr. Kevin Omland (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, UMBC) and the BNT suggest the population may be much larger than previously thought. There is still much to learn about its habitat requirements and the threats posed to it. The BNT will continue to work with UMBC to fill information gaps on the species, develop a conservation plan, inform policy and raise awareness on Andros.

(Charadrius melodius)
Migratory shore birds like the Piping Plover rely on healthy coastlines along their migratory route. Our Piping Plover work with the National Audubon Society led to the protection of the Joulter Cays, an important wintering habitat for these birds. We will continue to ensure that the Piping Plover and other shore birds have healthy stopover and wintering coastal habitats through regular monitoring, influencing policy, and conducting climate-smart habitat management. These actions will both stabilize and enhance the populations of at least 16 rare species, while simultaneously benefiting 375 other species that rely on similar habitats.

(Cyclura cychlura)
The Bahamas has three species and several sub-species of Bahamian Rock iguana populations scattered across the archipelago that are all either endangered or critically endangered. They have suffered due to: habitat loss, the introduction of predators, illegal hunting, increased contact with tourists and poaching for the illicit pet trade. We will continue to collaborate with the Shedd Aquarium and Island Conservation to research this species, reduce threats through policy and habitat management, and encourage the use of best practices when visiting iguana populated islands.

(Strombus gigas)
This national icon is of grave conservation concern. Due to inappropriate legislation, insufficient enforcement of regulations, and a lack of data, this species is in serious decline. Immediate action is needed. We will continue to work with partners to ensure that the necessary research is conducted to lobby for scientifically informed regulations, increase capacity for enforcement, and raise awareness of the plight of the species.