A special thank you to management and staff of Sagoma Construction International. During the month of May staff members were afforded individual and family memberships thanks to the generosity of their management team.

We had the opportunity to speak with Vice President of Sagoma Construction International, Philip Tinnicliff when asked why Sagoma Construction chose to support the BNT and gift their staff with membership he had this to say, “Sagoma Construction International is more than happy to have all its staff be members of an organization that focuses on such a noble cause. The work that Bahamas National Trust does is in the best interest of the livelihood and sustainability of the Bahamas. Without the natural beauty of the Bahamas natural resources how would you identify with the Bahamas? The Bahamas natural resources are the very core of everything that make the Bahamas the most amazing place to visit, to live, and to work. It is this reason that we believe everyone should be involved and support the Bahamas National Trust to protect the Bahamas most important resource.”

Welcome to our conservation family!