January 14th, 2019
Monalisa Sweeting
Communications Manager
Phone: 396 – 0167
Nassau, The Bahamas
July 13th, 2019 will mark six decades of existence for the organization that, today, is considered the premier conservation organization in the region.
Patterned after the UK National Trust, the BNT was created by an Act of Parliament passed by The Bahamas Government on July 13th, 1959. This Act granted the BNT oversight of the country’s national park system. The now world-famous Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park was the first park in that system, which today consists of 32 national parks covering roughly 2.2 million acres of The Bahamas.
The BNT has an exciting calendar of initiatives and events planned for this milestone year, and it wants to celebrate with the entire country. “The BNT could not have achieved this longevity without the support of its stalwart members, its generous donors, its various partners, the corporate community and the government. We want to celebrate with our supporters and the wider Bahamian community”, said BNT President Janet Johnson “The internationally respected national park system that the BNT manages belongs to the Bahamian people. We are only the caretakers. This milestone is just as much an achievement of the Bahamian people as it is of the BNT”, added Ms. Johnson.
The Trust has several activities planned for this year, many of which are designed to get residents out into the environment and enjoying their national parks. National parks throughout the Bahamas will offer special events throughout the year. One of the highlights will be National Park Day on April 27th, which will be a free, open-house for the community and will feature exciting activities at national parks throughout the country. “We want people to stay connected with the BNT, always, but especially this year, said 60th Anniversary Coordinator and BNT Deputy Executive Director, Lynn Gape, “stay-tuned, there will be some exciting activities to get involved in this year.”
One of those exciting opportunities is the Conservation Champions initiative. Through Conservation Champions, the BNT will recognize the many people, past and present, who have dedicated themselves to the cause of protecting the Bahamian environment.
The year 2019 will be one in which the BNT will commemorate the past, celebrate accomplishments and inspire future generations to experience, connect with, and protect the unique natural, cultural, and historic resources of The Bahamas.
The 60th Anniversary celebrations will begin with the Cuban Pig Roast on February 9th. This event is one of many held annually by the BNT to raise money for park infrastructure. Then, on March 1 and 2 the Staniel Cay Yacht Club will host Ashore a new event to support the award-winning Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park.
For more information about the BNT, its 60th Anniversary celebrations or to get a full calendar of events, please contact BNT Communications Manager, Monalisa Sweeting at or (242) 396 – 0167