These certainly are challenging times that we find ourselves in! Not long ago, we were all leading very different lives, dashing about from one thing to another, going here and there, doing this and that. Now we find ourselves in the middle of a global pandemic, with no clear end in sight and no certainty about what will happen next. But, we’re all in this together, and we wanted you to know that we’re thinking about you.
We know that these times are just as difficult for you as they are for us. What will get us all through this crisis is being there for each other and staying close to the communities we hold dear. We appreciate that you have been such a loyal part of the BNT community, so in this time of social distancing and self-isolation, we want you to know that we are here for you. We want to stay close to you and to give back to you in whatever small way we can.
Now, more than ever, we hope you find solace in the simpler things. Many folks have said that retreating to natural surroundings has helped them cope. We encourage you to connect with nature as much as you can. Even if, right now, that connection can only happen through a visit to your backyard, or through a window, or through a digital screen.
For now, all the national parks that we manage, on your behalf, are closed. But our team of park wardens is still closely monitoring them and looking after the wildlife that calls these parks home. COVID-19 has not changed our commitment to protecting these special places for you.
The entire BNT team is still working hard, albeit remotely, on the many conservation initiatives and projects that we manage for the benefit of The Bahamas.
When this is all behind us, we look forward to welcoming you and your family back into the parks to experience the nature you love and the events you enjoy. In the meantime, we thought you would like a small escape from the chaos, a reminder of how beautiful and unique your national parks are. We hope you enjoy it.
Keep in touch! You’ll be hearing from us, but we want to hear from you. Email us at We will respond. You can also reach out to us through our social media pages.
Also, keep a close eye on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feed. We will be sharing lots of new content there. You may find just the thing you need to feel inspired or learn something new. We will also be sharing fun activities you and your family can do at home.
We wish you peace in this time of turmoil.
Stay safe and healthy.
Eric Carey
Executive Director
On behalf of your friends at the BNT