BNT Introduces New Digital Membership Cards

The new  BNT digital membership cards can be displayed right from your mobile device for convenience

August 9th, 2021

The Bahamas National Trust (BNT) is proud to have some of the best supporters on our side – our invaluable members. BNT Members are our conservation family. Today, we’re introducing our new digital membership cards to our family.

Your BNT Membership can now travel with you outside of your wallet and at your fingertips! 

As a BNT Member, you’ll still get all the benefits you did before: free access to all 32 of your national parks and select properties operated by partner trusts; exclusive invites to members-only events; discounts at select local businesses; and your quarterly conservation impact report. The only difference is, we will no longer distribute physical membership cards. Instead, your membership card will be digital – giving you easy access to it at all times, which also reduces the amount of plastic waste that ends up in the environment. 

Now when you become a BNT Member or renew your membership, we will send you a digital membership card that is ready to use. Right away, you can start exploring your national parks, shopping with BNT Rewardship partners and visiting partner properties worldwide. The possibilities are endless, and we are constantly adding new benefits for our members to enjoy. 

We’re very excited to implement this change on the heels of BNT’s rebranding earlier this year, which provided an opportunity to reassess the design of our membership cards as well as make the transition to a digital membership system. We hope this new system better represents who we are as an organization and what we’re all about: environmental protection and conservation. And we hope it encourages you to continue to go green and make sustainable choices to do what you can to reduce waste. 

We’re proud to let you know that with this new digital system, you will be able to choose from several new vibrant designs when signing up for or renewing your BNT Membership. Pick the e-card that speaks to you!


The new cards will feature images of national parks and iconic Bahamian wildlife

As an organization that has been dedicated to environmental protection for over 60 years, we continue to look for ways to promote environmentally smart choices that produce less waste. Thank you for being a part of this endeavour, and a part of the BNT Family!

If you have any questions about the new digital cards or membership in general, contact

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