BNT Appoints Falon Cartwright as Director of Science and Policy


BNT Director of Science and Policy, Falon Cartwright

July 26th, 2021

The Bahamas National Trust (BNT) is pleased to announce the appointment of Falon Cartwright as Director of Science and Policy to lead the organization’s science programs and projects. 

Falon has worked various roles at the BNT, including Manager of The Leon Levy Native Plant Preserve, New Providence National Parks Manager, and Grants and Projects Manager.

In her newest role as Director of Science and Policy, she will be leading BNT’s terrestrial and marine science teams to advance conservation initiatives in The Bahamas and creating strategies to protect at-risk species and important natural spaces. These include activities under the GEF and ICZM projects.

Falon holds a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science from Florida Gulf Coast University, as well as a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology from The Ramapo College of New Jersey. 

Falon will be taking over from Shelley Cant-Woodside who’s moved on from the BNT to pursue other opportunities outside of The Bahamas. The BNT sends a sincere thank you to Shelley for her 14 years of hard work, commitment, and invaluable contributions to the BNT and The Bahamas. 

The Bahamas National Trust is a science-based conservation organization. Science informs our park management, education programs, conservation projects and policy decisions. Over our 60+ year conservation history, we have used science to drive our conservation successes like saving the West Indian Flamingo and the Bahama Parrot from extinction. Science and collaboration with researchers have informed the Conchservation programme which will likely save our beloved queen conch from disappearing. We are excited to have Falon fill this role, as she is more than suitably qualified for this position and has demonstrated excellent performance in her previous roles in the organization,” said Eric Carey, Executive Director, BNT.

BNT Council, executive team and staff congratulate Falon Cartwright on her promotion. 

To learn more about the role the BNT plays in managing terrestrial and marine national parks, protecting species, and informing environmental policy, please visit its website:, and follow/subscribe to its various social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.


Media Contact: Leah Carr | | (242) 429-7902

About the BNT:

The Bahamas National Trust (BNT) was created by an Act of Parliament in 1959 to manage the national park system of The Bahamas. Possibly the only non-governmental organization in the world charged with such a responsibility, the BNT works daily to conserve and protect the natural resources of The Bahamas through stewardship and education for present and future generations. There are currently 32 National Parks managed by the BNT with more than 2 million acres of marine and terrestrial areas protected.



