Ignacia and her students | St. Thomas Moore Discovery Club

Ignacia Cares, Because of You.

[insignia_section_heading title=”Ignacia is a passionate environmental warrior, but she wasn’t always.” subtitle=”” align=”text-left” separator=”disable” heading_tag=”h2″ heading_font_size=”25″ font_weight=”font-weight-400″ heading_color=”#343434″ subtitle_font_weight=””][insignia_section_heading title=”You made her care.” subtitle=”” align=”text-left” separator=”disable” heading_tag=”h2″ heading_font_size=”25″ font_weight=”font-weight-400″ heading_color=”#343434″ subtitle_font_weight=””]
Trust Notes | January 2020 Issue

When Ignacia agreed to become a volunteer leader in our Discovery Club program, she was new to environmental conservation, not sure how her actions and those of the students she taught at St. Thomas More Primary School impacted the environment.

I was never really into nature, to be honest, she says, but the Discovery Club has opened my eyes to the effects we have on the environment. The BNT’s education officers sent us a heartbreaking video of a turtle with a straw jammed in its nose, and ever since, my students and I have not been the same. We decided to take a stand for the environment, and now even I am amazed at how far I’ve come as an environmentalist.

Through your support, the Discovery Club immersed Ignacia in exciting and educational experiences in national parks. These experiences deepened her passion and respect for nature and have inspired her to become an environmental guardian.

Now, Ignacia’s club has more than 74 enthusiastic students who have been bitten by Ignacia’s conservation bug. They are eager to discover more about nature and what they can do to protect it.

If you’d like to learn more about Ignacia, her students, and how the Discovery Club inspires them, please email supporttheparks@bnt.bs.


If you’d like to give Ignacia and her kids more educational and inspiring experiences in national parks, please donate.

[insignia_button button_style=”first” btn_text=”Donate today” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fbnt.bs%2Fget-involved%2Fdonate%2F|title:Donate||” button_size=”large” button_align=”text-center” text_color=”#ffffff” hover_text_color=”#055b36″ bg_color=”#055b36″ hover_bg_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#055b36″ hover_border_color=”#055b36″ border_width=”2px” border_radius=”50px”]
If you’d like to learn more about Ignacia, her students, and how the Discovery Club inspires them, please email supporttheparks@bnt.bs.
If you’d like to give Ignacia and her kids more educational and inspiring experiences in national parks, please donate.
[insignia_button button_style=”first” btn_text=”Donate today” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fbnt.bs%2Fget-involved%2Fdonate%2F|title:Donate||” button_size=”large” button_align=”text-center” text_color=”#ffffff” hover_text_color=”#055b36″ bg_color=”#055b36″ hover_bg_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#055b36″ hover_border_color=”#055b36″ border_width=”2px” border_radius=”50px”]