As a part of meeting the objectives outlined in the Caribbean Challenge Initiative, we are continually looking to expand the Bahamas’ national park system. Below are the following areas proposed to be included in the national park system by the BNT. For any questions or concerns please contact
The mangrove fringing along tidal creeks and large channels provide appropriate habitat for a variety of commercially important fish, and numerous birds that thrive on the islets that make up the chain of the East Grand Bahama Cays.
Currently, no coral reefs are under protection in Grand Bahama, and are therefore vulnerable to overfishing practices. Connecting the mangrove creek and the nearby offshore reefs is essential to ensuring that important reef fish and spiny lobsters survive from the nursery habitat to the adult stages in the near shore coral reef habitat.
The shoreline for the north shore consists of intertidal mangrove wetlands, numerous creeks, sand and mud flats with seagrass, beach strands and rocky shores. An extensive area of blue holes and an as yet unexplored karst cave system exists in the coastal area in the northeastern portion of the proposed Northshore/Gap National Park.
The sparse vegetation and low shrub provide a much sought after medium for nesting birds to assemble and raise their young. As such, Peterson Cay is internationally recognized as an Important Bird Area (IBA), because it supports a globally significant nesting colony of Bridled Terns.