Harrold & Wilson Ponds National Park

est. 2002


Established in 2002, Harrold and Wilson Ponds National Park protects 250 acres of vital wetland habitats for birdlife on New Providence. Surrounded by development, these freshwater wetlands are internationally recognized as Important Bird Areas.The concentration and variety of birds in the area are particularly noteworthy. Herons, egrets, ibises and cormorants, to name a few, have established the largest colony for these species on New Providence.

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Boardwalks and Trails

There are access boardwalks and trails in this park.

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Bird Hotspot

This park has high bird activity.

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Important Bird Area

This park is internationally recognized as an Important Bird Area.

This park is currently closed.

Harrold & Wilson Ponds National Park is closed for habitat restoration and infrastructural repairs.

For more information, call us at (242) 393-1317.


Harrold and Wilson Ponds National Park includes two shallow freshwater bodies in the south-central region of New Providence. Totaling some 250 acres, the park protects valuable freshwater wetlands, coppice, and pinelands. 

Wetlands are important to The Bahamas because they absorb and store water, lessening the impacts of storms and floods, as well as cleanse water of pollutants and recharge groundwater supplies. Wetlands also provide an important habitat for a wide variety of wildlife species. They are known as the greatest carbon sinks on the planet.

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An Urban Wetland.

Harrold and Wilson Ponds National Parks is considered an Urban Wetland. Being so close to major communities and development, this national park is an ideal educational and ecotourism site. The establishment of this national park has provided open natural space for the enjoyment and recreation of island residents and visitors. It also provides an opportunity for a living, outdoor classroom to teach students about the water cycle, food webs, species adaptations, and species identification.

Blue-Winged Teal | Harrold & Wilson Ponds

The appreciation of the young people for the environment is vital to the continuation of the protection of Harrold and Wilson Ponds National Park, as well as other national parks and natural areas that have been and will be set aside for the enjoyment of the nation.

This national park still faces the threat of pollution from adjacent housing developments and the nearby landfill. Invasive species also have a major negative impact on this national park.

Yellow Crowned Night Heron | Harrold & Wilson Ponds


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